Judson Church exists for people of all ages and ethnicities in the Inland Empire to hear and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, study the word of God, engage in authentic relationships, and serve the heart of San Bernardino.
Sunday Mornings @ 9:00 Am: GOSPEL PROJECT CLASS (VARIOUS LOCATIONS) @ 9:00 AM: WORSHIP SERVICE (WORSHIP CENTER) @ 10:30 am: WORSHIP SERVICE (WORSHIP CENTER) @ 10:30 aM: Kids CHURCH (CHILDREN'S CENTER) @ 10:30 Am: Spanish SErvice (Chapel) Wednesday Nights @ 6:30 pm: Prayer GROUP @ 6:30 PM: sTUDENT mINISTRY @ 6:30 pm: Awana (Pre-k -5th) @ 6:30 PM: Estudio Bíblico |